Friday, July 18, 2014

Already in Africa

Well, we are not actually already in Africa, but some of our experiences are certainly serving to prepare us!

On moving day, we prepared and waited. and waited. and waited. No movers. It seems that someone put a hold on the move (on Friday afternoon) without informing us, naturally, and then went home for the weekend. 

So we didn't have movers and had to be out of the house by Tuesday. Oh, did I mention that during the same time period, the main water main from the water plant had broken, so we had no running water?

After getting our stuff shipped on Tuesday, we moved to Geneva Hills Camp in Lancaster. No problems. Except we did encounter a huge bug, as big as the one we met at Kafakumba. Tara noted that she had never ever seen one that big. 

Welcome to Africa!

Then we found out hat we had to move out of the Geneva Hills cabin for a week, so we moved to our friends' house while they were on vacation. And their AC went out. And our car got dented. 

But lest you think that my "already in Africa" title only refers to hardship, we have also had unexpected drop-ins with amazing friends, wonderful times of sharing and relationship, and sharing resources and enjoying generosity and hospitality. 

So, as we wait a few more weeks until the plane flies, we prepare to head for Africa by "already being in Africa!"